Hello, and welcome to one of the last installments of the pre-wedding blog!
The most important gift you can give us is your presence at our wedding. A number of people have enquired about buying gifts. Logistically, this poses some problems. One, transporting gifts back to Dubai will be far from easy. Two, if you choose to purchase a gift online, it's likely to cost more for the shipping than for the actual gift. Three, most people getting married need gifts to set up their new home. When you're ten years in, that's less of an issue.
However, we appreciate that some people may still want to recognise the celebration of our marriage with a gift. We request that instead of gifts, donations be made to Cancer Care. Cancer has touched both our families, and so a donation to this charity would truly be a personal gift.
Please click the link below if you wish to make a donation to Kristen & Stuart's Wedding through Team Cancer Care.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
"Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It"
Who is Chris Edwards, AKA the Best Man? What should you expect? Ok, let's take these one at a time...
I've known Chris for about 6 years; I met him shortly after moving to Dubai through a mutual friend. He's from the North of England, so, to the uninitiated, means he'll sound different to me. Remember how I 'sound posh'? He doesn't.
Over the course of my time in the Middle East, Chris has become a close friend and ally! Most of our time has, naturally, been spent in the numerous bars that are scattered around. When you are after one quick drink after work, Chris is your man. He can then share your pain as you eventually rock home at 3am, and join you in vowing to 'never do that again'. Until next time.
Chris now lives in Kuwait, but works for the same company as me. He flies to Dubai for a lot of weekends at ours and gets genuinely frustrated at my lack of organization and planning. Chris is a great organizer. We have just come back from Thailand on my stag do where he did a top job of getting us there and back in one piece. Essentially, he booked flights, but to me, that's pretty impressive.
Chris is a great laugh and is genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever met. He's a big fan of The Office - English version, sorry folks - so a lot of his humour is based on sarcasm or irony. Factor that in when you speak to him.
What should you expect?
1. Food. Chris loves cooking. He's also very good at it and has been known to spend an evening cooking fondant potatoes, just because, "I've never done it before".
2. Dancing. Chris likes dancing. He's also pretty good at that as well. In a sort of ironic, humorous way. You're getting the picture.
3. Music. Chris likes music. This goes with number 2. He's a white boy from the North of England. What do you think his favourite genre is? You've guessed it. Rap. I defy you to have seen anyone singing along to Will Smith's 'Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It' better than Chris. No chance.
4. Laughter. As I mentioned before. He's funny. Like, really funny.
5. Exercise. Chris has introduced me to a new concept. You may have heard of it? It's called, 'the gym'. He is genuinely concerned by my lack of fitness and has encouraged me to go to the gym when he's over. So, I've been. 3 times thus far, which in % terms, is a considerable improvement on the last 25 years of my life.
I didn't have a picture of Chris in the gym, that would be weird. I've chosen this one of mental exercise...
For those of you that have never met him, I am genuinely delighted that you will all get a chance to.
He's the best man. And will be.
I've known Chris for about 6 years; I met him shortly after moving to Dubai through a mutual friend. He's from the North of England, so, to the uninitiated, means he'll sound different to me. Remember how I 'sound posh'? He doesn't.
Over the course of my time in the Middle East, Chris has become a close friend and ally! Most of our time has, naturally, been spent in the numerous bars that are scattered around. When you are after one quick drink after work, Chris is your man. He can then share your pain as you eventually rock home at 3am, and join you in vowing to 'never do that again'. Until next time.
Chris now lives in Kuwait, but works for the same company as me. He flies to Dubai for a lot of weekends at ours and gets genuinely frustrated at my lack of organization and planning. Chris is a great organizer. We have just come back from Thailand on my stag do where he did a top job of getting us there and back in one piece. Essentially, he booked flights, but to me, that's pretty impressive.
Chris is a great laugh and is genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever met. He's a big fan of The Office - English version, sorry folks - so a lot of his humour is based on sarcasm or irony. Factor that in when you speak to him.
What should you expect?
1. Food. Chris loves cooking. He's also very good at it and has been known to spend an evening cooking fondant potatoes, just because, "I've never done it before".
2. Dancing. Chris likes dancing. He's also pretty good at that as well. In a sort of ironic, humorous way. You're getting the picture.
3. Music. Chris likes music. This goes with number 2. He's a white boy from the North of England. What do you think his favourite genre is? You've guessed it. Rap. I defy you to have seen anyone singing along to Will Smith's 'Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It' better than Chris. No chance.
4. Laughter. As I mentioned before. He's funny. Like, really funny.
5. Exercise. Chris has introduced me to a new concept. You may have heard of it? It's called, 'the gym'. He is genuinely concerned by my lack of fitness and has encouraged me to go to the gym when he's over. So, I've been. 3 times thus far, which in % terms, is a considerable improvement on the last 25 years of my life.
I didn't have a picture of Chris in the gym, that would be weird. I've chosen this one of mental exercise...
For those of you that have never met him, I am genuinely delighted that you will all get a chance to.
He's the best man. And will be.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Woooo! Don't Stop Till You Get Enough!
Meet the Wedding Party Special: Part I
In this week's post, get to know Nikki Watson, Maid of Honor.
How do I know Nikki?
I met Nikki while working at the notorious Gap Plaza on Oxford Street in London in 2000. We bonded over shoplifters and druggies lingering in the shop.
Inevitably, this led to nights out and a growing friendship. Nikki introduced me to new things in London and always the coolest places!
A few years later, Stu became part of my life and naturally made himself a part of Nikki's. The first time Stu met Nikki was at our friend Lynsey's birthday party. He promptly invited himself to stay at their flat in London - he'd missed his train! - despite never having met either of them. Many questions followed, thanks to Lyns.
A few years later, Nikki moved to Dubai and encouraged us to come as we'd both enjoy life here. As always, Nikki was right!
Nikki is the planner and organizer, to my laid back self. She is the glam to my boho. She is always steady and constant and supportive through our friendship, and I am proud to have her as my Maid of Honor!
Nikki Trivia:
Nikki is super smart! She is the best teammate on a pub quiz, preferably in a posh pub.
Nikki's only sibling is Natalie. Sadly she is unable to attend the wedding as she is starting a new adventure in life with her beau Ewen in France!
Nikki, the style guru, once lived in a Docklands Penthouse, aka Party Central, with the best hallway for sliding in your socks, much to Nikki's chagrin.
Nikki has magic cooking skills - she can whip up a scrumptious meal from a bag of frozen peas, a half eaten snickers bar and some veg. And craft the best hangover cures.
Nikki is a bonafide disco dancing champion. She wowed the judges to a Michael Jackson Medley. Bring on the leg warmers! Thankfully, Nikki's style has evolved nicely. Admittedly, she was about 11, but this is one of my favorite fun facts about Nikki!
Christmas, The Fairmont Dubai. Before Christmas brunch.
Chic Boutique Hotel in Brighton for Lynsey and The Butcher's wedding.
Judging by the way Nik is checking out Lyns, I'm sure no detail will be missed during her Maid of Honor duties.
Clearly enthusiastic after being dragged to watch football!
Until next week!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
It's the Final Countdown!
Last time we posted, we erroneously said, Until next week! And then we waited over a month to post again. But, we've been busy!
Busy doing what? There were dresses to be designed and fitted, fabric to be bought, facials to be had. Suits to be purchased and tailored, ties to be sourced! We've designed and collected our wedding rings, decided on flowers and centerpieces and decoration - mostly - for the ceremony and reception. Our music list is extensive - and may need some editing! - but we've had fun putting the list of songs together.
And, we've sent reminders to late bookers as the deadline is fast approaching! Rooms will be cancelled after 20 August so if you don't book before then, you'll be taking your chances with the availability of rooms and the rates. Our latest posts are sounding a bit repetitive - and rather infomercial-like: HURRY! BOOK NOW! DON'T BE LATE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL RATES WITH MELISSA AT BEACH BUM VACATION! And now in a low voice, Terms and Conditions Apply.
So this is, we promise!, the last post reminding you to book and book soon. And to chase your family members who haven't booked yet, too.
Next week, we'll be back with more exciting info that isn't room related!
Kristen & Stu
Busy doing what? There were dresses to be designed and fitted, fabric to be bought, facials to be had. Suits to be purchased and tailored, ties to be sourced! We've designed and collected our wedding rings, decided on flowers and centerpieces and decoration - mostly - for the ceremony and reception. Our music list is extensive - and may need some editing! - but we've had fun putting the list of songs together.
And, we've sent reminders to late bookers as the deadline is fast approaching! Rooms will be cancelled after 20 August so if you don't book before then, you'll be taking your chances with the availability of rooms and the rates. Our latest posts are sounding a bit repetitive - and rather infomercial-like: HURRY! BOOK NOW! DON'T BE LATE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL RATES WITH MELISSA AT BEACH BUM VACATION! And now in a low voice, Terms and Conditions Apply.
So this is, we promise!, the last post reminding you to book and book soon. And to chase your family members who haven't booked yet, too.
Next week, we'll be back with more exciting info that isn't room related!
Kristen & Stu
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I'm taking a ride with my best friend; I hope he never lets me down again
Right, we're not actually just taking a ride with our best friend, we're getting married! And it's you lot we don't want to let us down!
So, here comes a big post!
We've had lots of questions, mostly falling into 2 categories: where to stay and what to wear, and both are covered here!
Where to stay? November seems like it's a long way away, but it's only about 4 months. Rooms in Azul Fives should be booked with Melissa of Beach Bum vacations before August, or the rates won't be guaranteed. Her rates are discounted from the direct hotel published rates.
We've had more Yes replies than bookings, which means it's time for you Yes's to book your rooms!
This will help us to know that you are guaranteed space at the resort. We've had a booking or two without a reply, which we think is weird.
So, now, what to wear? The best descriptor we found while searching for the answer to this is Beach Formal. What the rock does that mean, you ask?
It doesn't mean any of these:
Guys: It does mean smart casual, and consider you are in Mexico, where it's hot! Light colors are good, ties are optional, shorts are haram!
Ladies: We reckon you'll cope with this much better than the lads. Just remember we may be on the beach, so this probably isn't the time to break out your stilettos.
Need more help? Check out these posts:
Until next week!
Kristen & Stu

So, here comes a big post!
We've had lots of questions, mostly falling into 2 categories: where to stay and what to wear, and both are covered here!
Where to stay? November seems like it's a long way away, but it's only about 4 months. Rooms in Azul Fives should be booked with Melissa of Beach Bum vacations before August, or the rates won't be guaranteed. Her rates are discounted from the direct hotel published rates.
We've had more Yes replies than bookings, which means it's time for you Yes's to book your rooms!
This will help us to know that you are guaranteed space at the resort. We've had a booking or two without a reply, which we think is weird.
So, now, what to wear? The best descriptor we found while searching for the answer to this is Beach Formal. What the rock does that mean, you ask?
It doesn't mean any of these:
Guys: It does mean smart casual, and consider you are in Mexico, where it's hot! Light colors are good, ties are optional, shorts are haram!
Ladies: We reckon you'll cope with this much better than the lads. Just remember we may be on the beach, so this probably isn't the time to break out your stilettos.
Need more help? Check out these posts:
Until next week!
Kristen & Stu
Saturday, June 8, 2013
It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to make it outta sight! Hit it!
3 out of 3 for this weekend's replies!
Jaime, who has the most ace music selections!
Bob & Jen
Keil & Angie
And some more rooms are booked.
Those of you who haven't replied yet have some pretty high musical standards to live up to! Put on your thinking caps, and dancing shoes for inspiration.
And, while you're thinking, enjoy the below link!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Shout Out to the Franeys!

Confirmed and Booked this week:
Bob & Jen
Woody & Theresa
Kev & Beth & the brood
Jaime & Josh
Kristen & Stu!
Early bookers include:
Mom & Larry
Jackie & Dave
Kevin & Mary
Lynsey & Trevor [aka The Butcher]
Whoop Whoop!
Owing to some technical difficulties, some invitations were posted only today... Natalie & Ewen, Tony & Molly, Harriet, and Garry... we understand you may not meet the reply deadline of 1 June! Let's hope you've not been too excited about checking your mail so far.
A few more replies are back in, too. Be sure to book soon so you don't lose out on the rates!
Kristen & Stu
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Word on the Street
Word on the street is that most of you have received your invitations. There are a couple still on their way, so don't despair if yours has not yet reached you!
We've heard rumors that there is some confusion on what you should do next!
Check out the link on your invitation. Melissa at Beach Bum Vacation has discounted rates and can help US travelers with airfare, too.
Then, think of a song you want to boogie to, pop your reply card in the mail, and practice your dance moves!
Kristen & Stu
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Passport Day in the USA
American folks, do you have your passports? Passport day is coming soon, although to be honest, I'm not sure why there is a special day!
Interestingly, note that the passport agency is closed this day...
Interestingly, note that the passport agency is closed this day...
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