Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's the Final Countdown!

Last time we posted, we erroneously said, Until next week! And then we waited over a month to post again.  But, we've been busy!

Busy doing what?  There were dresses to be designed and fitted, fabric to be bought, facials to be had.  Suits to be purchased and tailored, ties to be sourced!  We've designed and collected our wedding rings, decided on flowers and centerpieces and decoration - mostly - for the ceremony and reception.  Our music list is extensive - and may need some editing! - but we've had fun putting the list of songs together.

And, we've sent reminders to late bookers as the deadline is fast approaching!  Rooms will be cancelled after 20 August so if you don't book before then, you'll be taking your chances with the availability of rooms and the rates.  Our latest posts are sounding a bit repetitive - and rather infomercial-like:  HURRY!  BOOK NOW!  DON'T BE LATE!  TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SPECIAL RATES WITH MELISSA AT BEACH BUM VACATION!  And now in a low voice, Terms and Conditions Apply.

So this is, we promise!, the last post reminding you to book and book soon.  And to chase your family members who haven't booked yet, too.

Next week, we'll be back with more exciting info that isn't room related!

Kristen & Stu

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