Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It"

Who is Chris Edwards, AKA the Best Man? What should you expect?  Ok, let's take these one at a time...

I've known Chris for about 6 years; I met him shortly after moving to Dubai through a mutual friend.  He's from the North of England, so, to the uninitiated, means he'll sound different to me.  Remember how I 'sound posh'? He doesn't.

Over the course of my time in the Middle East, Chris has become a close friend and ally!  Most of our time has, naturally, been spent in the numerous bars that are scattered around.  When you are after one quick drink after work, Chris is your man.  He can then share your pain as you eventually rock home at 3am, and join you in vowing to 'never do that again'.  Until next time.

Chris now lives in Kuwait, but works for the same company as me.  He flies to Dubai for a lot of weekends at ours and gets genuinely frustrated at my lack of organization and planning.  Chris is a great organizer. We have just come back from Thailand on my stag do where he did a top job of getting us there and back in one piece.  Essentially, he booked flights, but to me, that's pretty impressive.

Chris is a great laugh and is genuinely one of the funniest people I have ever met.  He's a big fan of The Office - English version, sorry folks - so a lot of his humour is based on sarcasm or irony.  Factor that in when you speak to him.

What should you expect?

1.  Food.  Chris loves cooking.  He's also very good at it and has been known to spend an evening cooking fondant potatoes, just because, "I've never done it before".

2.  Dancing.  Chris likes dancing.  He's also pretty good at that as well.  In a sort of ironic, humorous way.  You're getting the picture.

3.  Music.  Chris likes music.  This goes with number 2.  He's a white boy from the North of England.  What do you think his favourite genre is?  You've guessed it.  Rap.  I defy you to have seen anyone singing along to Will Smith's 'Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It' better than Chris.  No chance.

4.  Laughter.  As I mentioned before.  He's funny.  Like, really funny.

5.  Exercise.  Chris has introduced me to a new concept.  You may have heard of it?  It's called, 'the gym'.  He is genuinely concerned by my lack of fitness and has encouraged me to go to the gym when he's over.  So, I've been.  3 times thus far, which in % terms, is a considerable improvement on the last 25 years of my life.

I didn't have a picture of Chris in the gym, that would be weird.  I've chosen this one of mental exercise...

For those of you that have never met him, I am genuinely delighted that you will all get a chance to.

He's the best man.  And will be.

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