Saturday, October 12, 2013

In Lieu of Gifts

Hello, and welcome to one of the last installments of the pre-wedding blog!

The most important gift you can give us is your presence at our wedding.  A number of people have enquired about buying gifts.  Logistically, this poses some problems.  One, transporting gifts back to Dubai will be far from easy.  Two, if you choose to purchase a gift online, it's likely to cost more for the shipping than for the actual gift.  Three, most people getting married need gifts to set up their new home.  When you're ten years in, that's less of an issue.

However, we appreciate that some people may still want to recognise the celebration of our marriage with a gift.  We request that instead of gifts, donations be made to Cancer Care.  Cancer has touched both our families, and so a donation to this charity would truly be a personal gift.

Please click the link below if you wish to make a donation to Kristen & Stuart's Wedding through Team Cancer Care.

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