Confirmed and Booked this week:
Bob & Jen
Woody & Theresa
Kev & Beth & the brood
Jaime & Josh
Kristen & Stu!
Early bookers include:
Mom & Larry
Jackie & Dave
Kevin & Mary
Lynsey & Trevor [aka The Butcher]
Whoop Whoop!
Owing to some technical difficulties, some invitations were posted only today... Natalie & Ewen, Tony & Molly, Harriet, and Garry... we understand you may not meet the reply deadline of 1 June! Let's hope you've not been too excited about checking your mail so far.
A few more replies are back in, too. Be sure to book soon so you don't lose out on the rates!
Kristen & Stu
Still owe you songs. I've got mine, but Larry can't choose just one. Wants the entire score from Rock of Ages!