Saturday, June 22, 2013

I'm taking a ride with my best friend; I hope he never lets me down again

Right, we're not actually just taking a ride with our best friend, we're getting married!  And it's you lot we don't want to let us down!

So, here comes a big post!

We've had lots of questions, mostly falling into 2 categories: where to stay and what to wear, and both are covered here!

Where to stay?  November seems like it's a long way away, but it's only about 4 months.  Rooms in Azul Fives should be booked with Melissa of Beach Bum vacations before August, or the rates won't be guaranteed.  Her rates are discounted from the direct hotel published rates.

We've had more Yes replies than bookings, which means it's time for you Yes's to book your rooms!

This will help us to know that you are guaranteed space at the resort.  We've had a booking or two without a reply, which we think is weird.

So, now, what to wear? The best descriptor we found while searching for the answer to this is Beach Formal. What the rock does that mean, you ask?
It doesn't mean any of these:

Guys:  It does mean smart casual, and consider you are in Mexico, where it's hot!  Light colors are good, ties are optional, shorts are haram!

Ladies:  We reckon you'll cope with this much  better than the lads.  Just remember we may be on the beach, so this probably isn't the time to break out your stilettos.  

Need more help?  Check out these posts:

Until next week!
Kristen & Stu

Saturday, June 8, 2013

It takes two to make a thing go right, It takes two to make it outta sight! Hit it!

3 out of 3 for this weekend's replies!

Jaime, who has the most ace music selections!
Bob & Jen
Keil & Angie

And some more rooms are booked.

Those of you who haven't replied yet have some pretty high musical standards to live up to! Put on your thinking caps, and dancing shoes for inspiration.

And, while you're thinking, enjoy the below link!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Shout Out to the Franeys!

Confirmed and Booked this week:
Bob & Jen
Woody & Theresa
Kev & Beth & the brood
Jaime & Josh
Kristen & Stu!

Early bookers include:
Mom & Larry
Jackie & Dave
Kevin & Mary
Lynsey & Trevor [aka The Butcher]

Whoop Whoop!

Owing to some technical difficulties, some invitations were posted only today... Natalie & Ewen, Tony & Molly, Harriet, and Garry... we understand you may not meet the reply deadline of 1 June!  Let's hope you've not been too excited about checking your mail so far.

A few more replies are back in, too.  Be sure to book soon so you don't lose out on the rates!

Kristen & Stu